Cheltenham Festivals for Schools Concert

At its December meeting the HCG Charitable Trust awarded a grant of £1,000 to Cheltenham Festivals to  to support their annual Concert for Schools.  Due to be hosted in July 2024, the Concert will enable up to 2,000 children in Gloucestershire to experience the joy of live music in a special event designed for them. The concert is followed by Music Explorer sessions where every pupil gets the chance to have a go on three different orchestral instruments – a thrilling first for many. This also serves as a platform to signpost children to the range of music tuition and music-making opportunities in the county.

Cheltenham Festivals provide a heavily subsidised ticket price (£1 per head) and transport bursaries to mitigate obstacles that can prevent primary schools attending an event like this, in particular target schools with at least 25% Pupil Premium children serving out most disadvantaged families. To date, these schools have always made up 25-30% of the audience because we offer incentives like free transport. Costs also include musicians fees, venue hire, sound and lighting.  Tara Patterson of Cheltenham Festivals said:  “This grant will be used to cover costs of three target schools bursaries at £150 each; £250 instrument hire for Music Explorers sessions and a 10% contribution to fees of £3,000”.